New smart appliances continue to pop up each year. So much so, it might have you wondering, is it worth the try?
Just like any other appliance, smart appliances have their own pros and cons that you should know
about before you buy! So, read on to find out whether investing in a new smart appliance is worth it for
Convenience & Features
Smart appliances are made with the sole purpose of making it easier for you to do laundry, cooking, and
store your food at an optimal level. For example, GE has an amazing smart washer and dryer that can
communicate to one another to know what settings to use without you lifting a finger. They also have
features like SmartDispense which holds 32 loads of detergent on standby and dispenses it for you with
each load! Plus, they have many more features like being able to know when each was and dry are done
through the SmartHQ app.
Smart refrigerators also have plenty of convenient features also! The Samsung Side-by-Side Refrigerator
includes a touch screen that displays written notes for the family to see and even shows you the inside
of your refrigerator, so you know what you need when shopping. Plus, as a bonus, it can even stream
music and videos. Like the washers and dryers, Samsung also allows consumers to track their smart
appliances through the SmartThings app.
Ranges also have smart counterparts with amazing features. The GE Profile Slide-In-Front-Control Range
for example allows you to preheat from anywhere so you can bake and cook dinner quicker. Plus, it has
a built-in air fryer for a new way to cook! You can also activate Chef Connect which automatically turns
on lighting and ventilation systems as soon as any burner is activated. Plus, this GE model is easily
synchronized with other GE smart appliances for easier usage.
The Downside
Though smart appliances have great benefits and offer easy usage, they also come with their own flaws.
One issue smart appliances carry is the need for downloading apps. Here’s the thing, if you want a smart
appliance, you almost definitely need to download its respective app to operate it. Now, this doesn’t
mean you can’t just walk up to your oven and turn it on, you can! But it means that for maintenance and
setup, you’re going to need a smart appliance app such as ThinkQ or SmartHQ.
Smart appliances also need Wi-Fi, obviously. So, if your Wi-Fi is spotting around the house or just isn’t
the best, it may reflect on your smart appliance. It could cause delays or connectivity issues when trying
to issue alerts to your phone. So, because it’s so dependent on a connection, it may only operate as well
as your Wi-Fi connection.
Another tricky issue can be when the smart appliances need updates or maintenance. Again, you’ll need
its respective app to do these tasks, but even with the app sometimes it can be difficult to manage what
update is needed and what repair has just popped up. Some of the biggest complaints come from
families having to adapt to the new norm of a smart appliance through an app. Though it can help
switch things on and off in a breeze, it might be hard to control who gets to control the appliance and when.
Are They Worth It?
As with any major appliance, the final decision comes down to you. If you’re considering a smart home
upgrade, a smart appliance may be the way to go! Sometimes with these new appliances, the most
common issues have the most straightforward solution. Though it may be a new adjustment for you and
your family, there are several guidelines online to help troubleshoot any issue.
So, whenever you decide to make the leap into a smart appliance, you can trust Airport Home Appliance
to have the largest in-stock selection at any given time! You can also visit us in any of our showrooms to
see them firsthand or visit us online at any time.